Monday, March 31, 2008

Why blog on this topic?

Four years ago I spent more time than I care to remember supporting John Kerry's run for president. He lost and I wrote off any further involvement in politics. As the 2008 campaign began - what was it, two maybe three days after the 2004 election - I vowed to keep my time and treasure out of the next race. The money part was easy. In the time since 2004 I've gone back to school to pursue a PhD in management. While the stipend is quite generous compared to many other fields of study, lets just say it doesn't leave much room for me to come anywhere near the campaign donation limits.

But something kept tugging at me. As I listened to the news and read stories on the Internet, I began to see a difference in one of the candidates. A candidate that seemed to represent a different way of thinking than most of those I have seen in my lifetime. This blog will be about highlighting those differences. I will touch on basic things like honesty and straight talk. I will touch on more complex issues such as campaign finance and international relations. I will also address misinformation. I will attempt to support my views with fact, excerpts, and other material. My hope is that you will read the material and form your own conclusions.

I welcome comments and debate on any topic - as that is how our process should work. However, offensive comments, rants, or any other material that doesn't rise to the level of intelligent debate will be deleted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim, keep up the good work. I've added this to my rss reader. Thanks for blogging on this topic. Your cuz - mike